
Maybe the traditional Italian and French people will say that I’m a bit crazy to make this kind of recipe..

But for the ones that are in love with both cuisines and have a little spirit for experimental pleasures, this delicious creation will be loved!

That is the first time that I’ve tried to make this extraordinary fusion recipe: the one and only Crêpes-Lasagna-Cake!

Inspired by my hungry family, I decided to do one aswell and just change some of the ingredients that have been used and it turned out to be soooo good!!

For 10 crêpes


  • 250g flour 

  • 4 eggs

  • 4 tbsp butter 

  • 400g finely chopped tomatoes 

  • A little glas of beer 

  • 1 garlic clove 

  • 1 onion

  • 2 pak choi

  • 210g cheese (gratin cheese)

  • Pinch of salt 

  • Basil


  1. Mix the flour, milk, salt and eggs, add the beer and melted butter, mix again. Grease the pan with a bit of sunflower oil.

  2. Pour your crêpes dough in, just enough to cover the bottom and "fry" for approx. 2-3 min. on each side over medium heat. 

  3. It should be enough for at least 10 crêpes. Place them in a round cake form.

  4. For the filling, cut onion into dices and fry over medium heat on the pan, press the garlic in it then fry for one more min.

  5. Add the pan choi to the pan and add the finely chopped tomatoes and season with salt, pepper and the spices of your choice.

  6. Now put your “Lasagna” filling over the first crepes and top with cheese. Repeat this process over and over again until you have all layers done of the cake. 

  7. Gratinate for 10 min over 220 degrees Celsius. 

  8. Serve with some fresh basil leafs. 

Dive in! :)